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Greg Levine: Annette's story should inspire all of us

Published: 30/09/2024

When Vitality member Annette took out Life Cover in her 50s, she got something much more than the intangible peace of mind and financial protection offered by most insurance. Her journey to better health is an inspiration to us all, especially financial advisers.

“I thought, ‘I’ve got to do something’”.

Many of us will have gone through a similar experience to Vitality member Annette at some points in our lives.

We know that we’re maybe not as healthy or active as we should be, but it can feel difficult or daunting making those positive changes that we know will help us live a healthier, longer life.

And whilst that fear of illness or early death is what traditionally motivates people to engage with our industry, the changing nature of some health and life insurance products is helping to redefine the role that insurance can play in improving people’s lives for the better.

'A light bulb moment'

For Annette, the turning point came after a weekend away with friends in Berlin a few years ago.

“I felt the least fit… My legs hurt, I was asking to get a taxi and saying to the girls I was with that I can’t walk any further.”

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Annette knew that she needed to do something, but the real catalyst came when her financial adviser recommended Vitality life insurance to protect the mortgage she’d just taken out.

“My financial adviser Anthony recommended Vitality and I was inspired by what he had to say,” she says.

Perhaps most important of all, Annette’s adviser didn’t approach the conversation with any preconceived ideas and instead uncovered from the fact-find what was likely to appeal to her.

As Annette says, it was the right time to start thinking about making some positive health changes and she credits Anthony with seeing “something in me that maybe I didn’t see in myself.”

Annette says that discussion “was like a light bulb moment”. “I thought ‘this could be really good for me.’“

'Little by little I got healthier'

Where Annette’s Vitality policy really came into its own is in helping her to build manageable, healthier habits that she’s been able to stick to and improve over time. All whilst having the cover in place if she ever needed it.

“Once I joined Vitality I started walking more,” says Annette.

The key to success for Annette was in having access to the Vitality Programme and its clever combination of nudges and incentives to help foster healthier habits.

“Anthony [my adviser] explained about achieving Silver, Gold and Platinum status [through the Vitality Programme], so already in my mind I was thinking ‘I’ve got to get to Platinum’ because I’m a very competitive person.”

For Annette, she was able to gradually see the results pay off. “Little by little, I just became healthier, I got quicker. I also joined the local swimming pool and was swimming there twice a week,” she says.

We know from Vitality’s own data how effective that process of engaging in the Vitality Programme and moving through the status’ can be, not just unlocking more value for members and reducing the likelihood of cancellation, but also improving mortality risks.

Vitality members that reach Platinum status for example save on average 40% of their premium through partners and rewards, are up to 46% less likely to cancel and reduce their mortality risk by 49%1.

'I think I'm healthier now I'm nearly 60'

What I perhaps find most inspiring about Annette’s story is the hearing the difference Vitality has made to her life in the years since she took out a policy.

That one conversation with an adviser to discuss life insurance to protect her mortgage  a product often sold based on little more than cost – helped to deliver something much more than the traditional, intangible peace of mind and financial protection offered by most insurance.

“I wouldn’t have had this fitness regime if it hadn’t been for the life insurance with Vitality... I think I’m healthier now that I’m nearly 60. I know that for a fact.”

Delivering on a strong purpose

Underscoring everything we do at Vitality is a powerful core purpose of making people healthier and enhancing and protecting their lives.

We know that there are plenty of people out there like Annette that need life or health insurance, but who also want help to improve their lives for the better.

Moreover, against a backdrop of increasing rates of population ill-health, stalling life expectancy and health services under extreme pressure, our industry must do more to step up and help tackle these challenges head on.

It’s why at Vitality we believe, through our unique Shared-Value model, that health and life insurance products shouldn’t be constrained by a traditional, narrow definition of cover that’s just designed to safeguard against the risk of unforeseen loss.

Instead, we can rethink the way insurance works. That means offering protection insurance that doesn’t just cover your clients if they fall ill or pass away, but actually helps them to live longer. Or health insurance that is not just limited to paying for private hospital treatment but helps people to live in better health.

Annette’s story is just one example of many, of that core purpose in action. The difference that having Vitality cover in place has made to her life is an inspiration and shows what can be done when we think differently about the role of insurance.

“It’s revolutionised my life,” she explains. “It’s made such a difference, and I couldn’t imagine going back to the way I was. If I can do it anyone can do it”.

1. Vitality Life Claims & Benefits Report 2024.

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