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Life insurance is for living

Marking the launch of our new life insurance TV ad, VitalityLife CEO Justin Taurog share’s his thoughts on the changing nature of protection and why life is for living.

Published: 06/01/2025

If life is for living, then what could be a better outcome than giving clients an extra five years of healthy life. 

And the secret to this? It’s as simple as engaging in the Vitality Programme.

In fact, we’re so confident in our ability to improve your clients’ lives for the better – and the data underpinning it – that we’ve made it the headline message of our new life insurance TV advert.

Changing consumer needs

The way people live has changed considerably in recent years, whilst wider trends are impacting health and longevity.

As a population, we’re increasingly more aware of lifestyle risks and want to get healthier but often find it hard to make changes we know could benefit us in the future.

Our industry meanwhile plays a crucial role in helping to improve people’s financial and health resilience, but we often to struggle to cut through to consumers.

None of this is helped by people’s cognitive biases. On one hand, most people are overly optimistic and don’t believe it will happen to them. On the other, they tend to favour immediate gratification over longer-term gains.

Those biases not only make the intangible benefits of traditional insurance a hard sell, but they also impact the broader everyday decisions that people make.

Rethinking protection

Traditionally, the sale of protection products has mostly focused on offering people peace of mind. In exchange for a monthly premium today, clients can be safe in the knowledge that if something happens tomorrow, they’ll be covered.

The trouble is our cognitive biases mean that many clients are unconvinced by this message. Why sell peace of mind to someone that doesn’t think anything will happen to them in the first place?

Furthermore, why should financial protection only serve as compensation for serious illness or untimely death anyway?

Whilst these catastrophic events can cause major financial hardship and protecting clients against the unforeseen is at the heart of what our industry does, we believe the challenges we face as a nation call for an entire rethink of the role protection can play in people’s lives.

Unlocking real value

At Vitality, we’ve always been guided by a powerful core purpose to not just protect your clients but enhance their lives and make them healthier too.

Today’s consumers demand more from their plan and this brings with it additional opportunities for client engagement. This means that Vitality’s unique approach is resonating more and we’re seeing remarkable results among advisers and our members.

All of this is reflected in our brand-new life insurance TV advert, which, we believe, offers a compelling opportunity for you to reframe conversations you are having with clients. What other protection product allows you to put the emphasis on the positive: and offer the prospect of more life (up to five years, in fact ), alongside market-leading insurance that’s there for them when things go wrong too? After all, Life is also about living. Watch our new advert below.

Find out more about how Vitality can protect your clients whilst helping them to live in better health: