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Three reasons why Optimiser is more relevant than ever

Published: 19/08/2024

At a time when money is tight and uptake of traditional protection products remains stubbornly low, products that deliver higher engagement, immediate value and more comprehensive cover are more timely than ever, writes Justin Garbutt, Director of IFA Distribution, Vitality.

We’ve all heard the excuses: ‘I can’t afford it’; ‘it won’t happen to me’; ‘it’s not worth it’.

Frequently, these objections mask a fear of being ‘sold to’. They can also reflect a common under-appreciation of risk, alongside an aversion to spending money on something intangible and our human tendency towards immediate gain.

In fact, these common psychological barriers – often referred to as behavioural biases – exist as some of the reasons why so many people do not have adequate financial protection in place.

It’s also true that, in recent years, the very real challenging economic environment has exacerbated the problem. Consumers have been forced to tighten their belts, leading some to view protection as something they can afford to live without, rather than a necessity.

It’s against this backdrop that products like Vitality’s Optimiser are the key to better protecting clients, in a way that engages them from day one and delivers more tangible value.

Here are three reasons why Optimiser is more relevant than ever and why now is the time to consider it for your clients.

1. Clients get access to high-quality, comprehensive cover for a lower premium

Consumer Duty regulations place a much greater need to focus on the quality of a product – not just price. It’s no longer enough to just pitch the cheapest product, regardless of whether that fully meets the needs of clients or delivers good, long-term outcomes.

With Optimiser, however, you can offer your clients the best possible cover – including Serious Illness Cover, Income Protection and Life Cover – at a more competitive premium.

Because they pay the lowest price upfront, without having to sacrifice on the quality of cover, it’s a good idea to talk about the quality of cover available to them first.

This means they can benefit from the ability to claim multiple times on Serious Illness Cover or remained covered beyond their normal term for any later life care needs; or income protection that offers an earnings guarantee, greater flexibility, as well as comprehensive rehabilitation pathways. Features that distinguish high quality cover from more basic plans available on the market.

Informing the client what they would normally have to pay for such comprehensive cover and then offering it to them at a lower premium, highlights the upfront value they’re getting from day one.

It also means they’re more likely to purchase more cover, with Optimiser members are 78% more likely to take out Serious Illness Cover or Income Protection1.

2. Optimiser drives greater engagement and unlocks more value

When selecting Optimiser, clients not only get more upfront value through savings on the premium they pay – totalling £43m or Optimised members in 20231 – they can also unlock access to our entire range of rewards and partners through Vitality Plus.

And because it’s all designed based on behavioural economics and members have premiums linked to activity, they are more likely to engage.

In fact, we see that members with Optimiser are three times more likely to engage in the Vitality Programme1, incentivised by the desired to continue saving on their premiums.

Because engagement in the Vitality Programme is designed to help people adopt and maintain healthy habits, this also means they’re less likely to fall ill and claim, which means we can return more upfront, tangible value. In 2023 alone, members earned £82m from Vitality partners and rewards1

Higher engagement also means the client is less likely to cancel – up to 46% less likely for Vitality’s most engaged members1 – because the value of cover is received on a day-to-day basis over and above the intangible peace of mind most protection products provide.

By creating more regular touchpoints, higher engagement can also serve to strength the adviser-client relationship and create additional opportunities to discuss referrals and cross-sales by offering an easy way in, without it feeling like an out-of-the-blue sales pitch or leaving clients feeling as if they are being ‘sold to’.

All this is fundamentally reshaping how protection works allowing for a different sort of insurance conversation. Your clients are no longer just paying for the intangible promise of a payout if they claim. Instead, they’re engaging with their cover from day one and getting immediate value for money.

3. All clients can benefit from Optimiser

It’s not just younger clients that see the benefit. The Vitality Programme is designed to help people of all ages make positive lifestyle choices and adopt healthy habits.

And if clients engage early on, these positive behaviour changes are more likely to stick. In fact, it’s our older members that are often those most engaged and recording higher activity levels.

For example, we see an 11% increase in active days amongst members over the age of 50 compared to those under 50, alongside a 15% improvement in physical activity levels of Apple Watch users over 60 compared to under 30s2.

What’s more, unlike the common age-costed premiums offered elsewhere, Optimiser doesn’t suddenly shoot up as the client gets older. Nor is there the risk of the premium increasing each year because of external factors outside of the client’s control, like the insurers claims experience or other factors, as is the case with reviewable premiums.

All this means recommending Optimiser is easier and more intuitive than you may think. And the best bit? Everyone benefits from better protected, highly engaged clients who are more likely to stay healthy, for longer. Because they are much less likely to claim. It’s exactly why we call it Shared-Value.

Find out more about how Vitality Optimiser works:

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1. Vitality Life Claims and Benefits Report, 2024
2. Vitality Analysis, 2023.