Protection Commissions Payments
Explore our commission rates and what you can expect from selling VitalityLife.

We are responsible for the following services relating to its products:
- creating and maintaining agency reports
- continuing to create and maintain Registered Individual records and panelling
- paying commission
- issuing new electronic commission statements
- monitoring agency debts
- all agency and commission enquiries.

Our attractive commissions give you more chances to create long-term revenue streams
With Vitality, a highly engaged client is much more likely to be a happy and healthy client1 too. Those who participate with the Vitality Programme are not just less likely to get sick2, but they also generate far more value from their plan3 - long before a claim is made. All this means they value their adviser more, which tends to lead to more referrals and generate additional sales opportunities4.
We're here to help.
Your Business Consultant is always ready to support you.
2 Analysis of VitalityHealth claims between 2017 and 2021 revealed significantly reduced healthcare costs for more highly engaged Vitality members across all major claim categories, including musculoskeletal (-31%), oncology (-37%) and cardiovascular (-46%). Vitality Health Claims and Insights report 2022
3 Platinum members generated 60% of their annual premium back through savings from the Vitality Programme, VitalityLife Claims & Benefits Report, 2022
4 Average commission for advisers over time is 35% more for engaged clients than for non-Optimised plans, according to Vitality internal data, September 2019.