Holistic mental health cover
We offer a unique end-to-end mental health journey. Supporting your client from prevention all the way to treatment.-
Prevention: A healthier lifestyle promotes better mental wellbeing. Our Vitality Programme incentivises members to develop and maintain healthy habits.
Early Intervention: If a member experiences a mental health issue, they'll have fast access to treatment via Care Hub
Comprehensive treatment: With our extra Mental Health Cover option, members receive comprehensive cover where treatment is required (limits apply)
There are two ways to support your clients:
- Mental Health Support is included in our Core Cover
- Mental Health Cover can be added as an extra cover option
Mental health, a growing challenge

57% of UK employees
surveyed are suffering from work related stress2

£94 billion per year
Mental health costs the economy an estimated £94 billion per year - roughly the cost of the entire NHS3
8% of UK employees
surveyed are suffering from depression2
Mental health support
All members have access to mental health support as part of Core Cover
Talking Therapies
All Vitality members are eligible for eight Talking Therapies sessions. We don't exclude any medical conditions
The Vitality Programme
A healthy lifestyle can promote better mental health. Our programme rewards members for making healthy choices and prioritising their wellbeing
Members can get a 12-month Headspace subscription on us. And can earn activity points by completing mindfulness activities
Your client doesn't have to contact us or speak to a GP to access Talking Therapies, or Headspace
Mental health cover
An additional option that can be added to your client's plan for extra mental health cover
Core Cover benefits
All of the benefits included on Core Cover, including a 12-month subscription to Headspace, on us.
In-patient and day-patient
Up to 28 days of in-patient cover per episode, plus 28 days of day-patient treatment. They’ll be covered for multiple episodes of care during the year, if they need it3
£1,500 out-patient benefit
A separate £1,500 which can be used towards other out-patient treatment outside of our Talking Therapies network
Full cover Talking Therapies
Members will be fully covered for Talking Therapies with our network provider
Where to next?
We're here to help
Your Business Consultant is always ready to support you.
1. Britain’s Healthiest Workplace data 2019.
2. Guardian - mental-illness-costs-uk-94bn-a-year-oecd-report-says-employment-economy-productivity
3. After 56 days without in-patient or day-patient treatment, we’ll fully restore your clients benefit limits covering them for further episodes of care during their plan year.